Alison Rey, Nina North, Whitney Wright, Carolina Sweets, Gracie May Green - Future Darkly: The White Room (Pure Taboo)


SCENE opens on Vincent, a mild-mannered bus driver for George Ivan Junior College. He is driving a group of 18-year-old school girls home from class, as he does every week day. Vincent is a disheveled young man, with horned rimmed glasses and scruffy beard. But he is quiet and keeps to himself, so the students pay him no mind. As the camera wanders past each isle, they chat about their weekend plans, their homework, and the latest class gossip. We study them to get a good look at their matching uniforms, gadgets, and school bags. Vincent drives along silently, keeping his eye on the road as they pass by blocks of industrial buildings, until the last student is dropped off. The pretty girl introduces herself as Aidra. She is sucking a lollipop. 'It's funny,' she tells him, innocently. 'You have driven me home every single day this year, but we've never said a word!' He nods awkwardly. She drops the candy in his garbage and says goodbye. Vincent drives off.

Around the corner, he stops the bus abruptly. Taking out a small locked case from under his seat, he opens it to remove a pair of gloves, tweezers, and a specimen bag. He carefully plucks the candy from the garbage and seals it. Then he gets back in his seat and drives off.



Vincent enters his apartment, removing his safety vest and walking through the minimalist living room to a tabletop computer. He turns the computer on and carefully places the specimen on the touchscreen surface. It scans automatically, and a screen pops up. It is the start screen of a virtual reality game called: VIRTUALLY REAL. Vincent hits enter and loads up a new player profile. The profile populates with Aidra's photo and information. He reviews the profile, unchecks the option for 'personality' and hits 'enter' to load her into the game. The game alerts him that he is ready to log on and Vincent places a VR headset over his eyes.

CUT to a white room. A digital version of Aidra slowly wakes up and lifts herself off the ground. She looks around and sees three of her classmates, all sitting cheerfully and silently in their uniforms. She is also fully dressed in her school clothes. Politely, she walks over and asks who they are. Equally polite, each girl responds with her full name, age, and home room number. Aidra smiles and shares her name and age, too. She can't remember her home room for some reason. She asks why they are waiting. One of the classmates, Anna, tells her they are waiting for the General. Aidra seems confused, searching her mind to remember who he is. Another classmate, Audrey chimes in, reminding Aidra that he is in charge. He comes almost every day to fuck them. One girl per day. The third girl, Ashley, says they've been wondering about getting a new girl for a while now but the General is very unpredictable. Aidra takes in all this information eagerly. She doesn't quite understand what is happening, but she knows she wants to be included.

Suddenly the room goes very bright and the General appears. He is the digital version of Vincent, dressed head to toe in a full-scale military uniform. His glasses are off, he is clean shaven, and his hair is slicked back, making him a far more confident and striking man. He marches in front of the girls, as they stand before him. He makes each repeat their name, age, and why they are here. They all eagerly respond that they are here to fuck him. When he comes upon Aidra, he looks her up and down, speaking just like a drill Sargent. He asks the same questions and Aidra responds ... echoing nervously what her classmates had said including asking the General to fuck her. The General smiles and they begin to have sex, while the other schoolgirls watch jealously and try to cut in. BG Sex. When he has cum inside of her, he zips back up his uniform and orders them to wait until he returns. He says 'EXIT' and the room goes bright again.

CUT to a close-up of Vincent taking the VR set off his eyes. He is sweaty and draws a deep breath.

CUT to back inside the game. Aidra crawls over to her original position and sits down. She is exhausted, and her eyeliner is running down her face. She turns to the other girls and asks where she can clean up. Ashley tells her not to worry, she will be fully clean the next time he logs in. 'Logs in?' Aidra asks, confused. 'Yeah,' Ashley says under her breath. 'To this horrible place!'


Several days later. Vincent is driving the bus, as the students chat loudly in the back with no knowledge of what is happening in his private virtual game. A new girl named Amber sits in the front. She is very quiet and reserved, a stark contrast from the other students. He watches her through his rear-view mirror in fascination. So beautiful and sad looking. He must introduce her to the others. But, when he pulls to the edge of the curb and opens the door, he's surprised that she is the first to get up. 'Wait!' He blurts out. She stares at him coldly in the doorway. 'What?' She asks. 'This is my stop.' He darts in and plucks a hair from her head, pretending to flick something off. Ouch, she cries. 'You ... you just had something in your hair.' He says awkwardly, apologizing. She gingerly rubs the part he pulled and steps off the bus, giving him a weird look as he drives off. His heart racing, he clutches the strands of her hair in his fist as he drives. The students in the back pay no attention.

CUT to Vincent's apartment. He sits at his desk, having his liquid dinner and staring at the new profile page on his computer. It's Amber's photo and information. Just as he is about to uncheck her 'personality' option, his smart assistant chimes in to tell him his mother is calling. Vincent begrudgingly accepts the call and starts talking, while absent-mindedly clicking ENTER to complete the setup. Amber's memories are downloaded into the game and it tells him he is ready to log on.

CUT to inside the white room. Amber slowly wakes up to discover that she in a strange, new environment. She looks down at herself in disbelief. She is back in her school uniform. Where is her room? Where are her things? How did she get here? A cluster of four of her classmates lay huddled in the corner. She rushes over to them and wakes them up, asking in a panic if they are ok. They each slowly rise and look around eagerly. 'Is he back?' Anna asks. 'Do we need to get ready?' Audrey chimes in. Aidra is the last to wake. She has been fully rebooted into a fresh uniform. 'Good,' she says cheerfully. 'It feels nice to be clean again.' They all stare at Amber with beaming smiles. 'You girls all go to my new school,' Amber says, suspiciously. 'Is this some kind of prank?' The girls stare at her blankly. Aidra asks her what her name is. Anna asks her age. When Audrey asks for her home room number, Amber cuts her off. She demands to know what is going on. Where are they and how did she get here? She starts to run around the room and bang on the walls. Ashley, who had spoken up to Aidra earlier, quickly rushes over and stops Amber. 'Be quiet,' she whispers. 'He will be here any minute. You don't want to get caught not being happy!' Amber stops dead in her tracks and stares at her. 'Who are you talking about?' She asks nervously.

CUT to Vincent's apartment. He says goodbye to his mother and the smart assistant finishes the call. Seeing that his game is ready, Vincent slips on his VR headset.

CUT to the white room, as it goes very bright and the General appears. He finds the girls all standing in a row, including Amber who lingers confused at the end of the line. Sternly, he walks past each of them and has the girls repeat their name, age, homeroom number, and what they are here to do. Amber stares at the man in shock. She knows him from somewhere. When he arrives at her, he gets right up in her face. She shrinks back. Suddenly, there is a very large beep and the General whips his head up. 'God dammit,' he curses and says 'EXIT.' The room goes bright again.

CUT to Vincent's apartment. He pulls the VR headset down and stares at his computer. An internal error has caused his servers to crash. As it beeps loudly, he powers down the computer to reboot it.

CUT to the white room. The girls stay frozen in line, waiting for the General to return. Her chest heaving, Amber realizes who the man in the uniform was. 'I know him,' she exclaims to the others. 'That's the creep who drives us to school every day. I recognize his face!' The other girls slowly turn to look at Amber. 'What school?' Anna asks. Amber starts pacing around, looking at the white room and the other girls staring blankly at her. She feels the spot on her head where Vincent had pulled her hair. She goes to Aidra and asks her to repeat her name. You're in my deep learning class,' she says. Aidra seems confused. Then she goes to Audrey. 'And I recognize you too ... we've got the same mentor.' The girl shrugs her shoulders. Amber spins around, gathering her thoughts as the pieces come together. 'This is a blank space,' she whispers to herself. 'When you create a room in virtually real, you always need to skin it. Otherwise, you just get a white room. This motherfucker has put us inside a game!' There is a long silence as the other girls look at each other. Ashley breaks the line and approaches Amber. 'Is that what this is?' she asks quietly, taking comfort in the new girl. 'I could never quite figure that part out.' Amber quickly mobilizes the girls together. 'Listen to me,' she says. 'He's probably hacked it, so that's why you don't remember. But, none of us are actually real. Ok? This is just a video game.'

The girls take in the news with varying degrees of understanding. Ashley sits down, wrapping her arms around her legs. Anna and Audrey look and touch each other. Aidra innocently tells Amber that she doesn't play video games. Feeling around the room, Amber replies that she plays them all the time. And there is always a workaround. She just needs to find it. She goes to Ashley and asks the girl to tell her exactly what happens when the General comes into the game. Not looking up, the defeated Ashley says that they wait for him. He is in charge. He comes almost every day to fuck them. One girl per day. That is the rule. We have to act like we're jealous. Amber shakes her head in disgust. 'I've read online about perverts modding this,' she says. 'That's why they discontinued it last year. Way too easy to create your own digital slaves. It's ok, though, we can break this game pretty easily if we just work together.' Anna asks her how she can be so sure they aren't real. She feels real. Audrey chimes in, saying that she likes where she is. They have a great life. Everyone is so happy. 'That's because you're programmed to be happy,' Amber says. 'No matter how rough he is, you don't feel any pain. Right?' She shakes her head. Amber slaps her hard across the face. Anna gasps but Audrey just takes it with a smile. 'That felt really good,' she says, nervously starting to laugh. Amber tells her that she rests her case. She paces the room. 'If the game only allows him to have one girl at a time, then that might just be how we break it. But, I'm going to need all of you to trust me, ok?' The girls look at each other one final time before each slowly nodding. The gather into a huddle so Amber can explain her plan ... and the camera slowly tracks to one of the white walls to wait.

The room goes very bright and the General wipes the frame. He smiles eagerly at the girls lined up in the exact same row he had left them. Sternly marching back to Amber, he asks her to repeat her name, age, homeroom, and reason she is here. In perfect fake obedience, she tells him. He tells her to get on her knees and service him. One girl only. That is an order. The other girls pout and beg to be included, as they always do, but the General silences them. Amber gets down and unzips his cock from his military pants. She grabs it and looks up at him. 'I really can't wait to suck your dick,' she says with a smile. He shoves it in her face and begins to face fuck her. For the first few minutes of the blowjob, the girls behave as they always have: begging and jealously crawling over each other to get a good look at the General's cock. He seems to really enjoy the extra enthusiasm of his latest school girl. But, suddenly, she stops and orders the girls to join in. They swarm the General and proceed to reverse gang-bang him in a sexual frenzy. BGGGGG. The General is so overwhelmed by the girls that he cannot order them to stand down. Amber eagerly tells them all to try and get the General to make them cum. As they cum, they stagger back behind the action and fall to the floor, disappearing from the game in bright flashes. Finally, the only two people left in the white room are Amber and the General. In a standoff, Amber gets the general to cum all over her face. As soon as his jizz hits her, he realizes what has happened. He starts to run around the room screaming 'EXIT' as Amber masturbates and laughs at him. She orgasms loudly as he collapses to the floor in front of her, banging his head. The room goes very bright.

SMASH CUT to VINCENT, banging his head against his desk. He pulls the VR Headset off in a panic. The tabletop screen is fuzzy. He pounds his fists and throws the headset down in frustration, storming away from the desk.

CUT to Vincent driving the bus. He stares at the road while the school girls chat excitedly in the back. Even though his virtual game has been broken, there is nothing stopping him from starting again. A final exterior shot shows the bus drive off into the distance.


Alison Rey - Future Darkly: The White Room | Picture (4)

Video from Alison Rey,Nina North,Whitney Wright,Carolina Sweets,Gracie May Green in Pure Taboo (Future Darkly: The White Room)

Pictures from Alison Rey,Nina North,Whitney Wright,Carolina Sweets,Gracie May Green in Pure Taboo (Future Darkly: The White Room)
Alison Rey - Future Darkly: The White Room | Picture (1)
Alison Rey - Future Darkly: The White Room | Picture (2)
Alison Rey - Future Darkly: The White Room | Picture (4)
Alison Rey - Future Darkly: The White Room | Picture (6)
Alison Rey - Future Darkly: The White Room | Picture (8)
Alison Rey - Future Darkly: The White Room | Picture (10)
Alison Rey - Future Darkly: The White Room | Picture (12)
Alison Rey - Future Darkly: The White Room | Picture (14)
Alison Rey - Future Darkly: The White Room | Picture (16)
Alison Rey - Future Darkly: The White Room | Picture (18)
Alison Rey - Future Darkly: The White Room | Picture (20)
Alison Rey - Future Darkly: The White Room | Picture (22)
Alison Rey - Future Darkly: The White Room | Picture (24)
Alison Rey - Future Darkly: The White Room | Picture (26)
Alison Rey - Future Darkly: The White Room | Picture (27)

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