Ashley Adams, Whitney Wright, Eliza Jane - Anne - Act One: The Orphanage (Pure Taboo)

Winner AVN Best Actress - Feature Eliza Jane
Winner XBIZ Best Actor -- Feature Movie Tommy Pistol


SCENE opens late one night. A cop car pulls into frame and parks beside a large residential complex. The driver door opens, and a uniformed officer gets out, adjusting himself and sauntering up the front steps. A plaque on the door reads: The Hands Transition House for Wayward Girls. No one answers when he knocks, so the officer lets himself in.

Inside the complex. The officer walks down a darkened hallway towards the main office of Mr. Hands. His transitional facility is a government sponsored orphanage that, according to state regulations, is supposed to release its orphans once they turn eighteen. But, Mr. Hands has discovered a much more lucrative way to retain them. He has built a secret room in the back of his property where he moves the girls once they come of age. There, he can keep them occupied to support his other business ventures and no one from the establishment ever needs to know.

But the officer knows. That is why he is here. He has been accepting bribes for years. When he enters the office, he walks in on Mr. Hands, dressed in a smoking jacket, receiving a blowjob from one of his girls. The 18-year-old orphan is dirty and half-naked, resting on her hands and knees to service the corrupt proprietor. She doesn't even look up as Mr. Hands casually invites the officerto sit down. 'Sorry, I didn't expect you tonight!' He laughs. The officer is used to the man's complete lack of discretion and curtly requests his monthly envelope. As he slowly takes it out of his pocket, Mr. Hands boasts to the officer about business. He has a fresh acquisition: an 18-year-old orphan named Anne. The girl had been dumped on his doorstep years ago and grew up in the orphanage. Despite being abandoned, she still holds out the naïve hope that one day her beloved parents will return, even wearing a broken necklace left for her by her mother!

Their conversation is intercut with tightly cropped shots of Anne being led up the back of the property to the secret room. We do not see her face, only her hands clutching a broken heart necklace as she walks nervously.

The officer cuts the man off and demands his envelope. He doesn't need a sob story. Just keep the girls low-profile and nobody should come around to bother him. After all, they're all adults, right? And he isn't doing anything inappropriate to them, right?!? The men laugh, as Mr. Hands stands up, dismisses the girl, and hands the envelope to the officer. He peeks inside before tucking it in his pocket and going to exit. 'Please tell me one thing, though,' the officer says, chuckling. 'Is this one at least pretty?' Mr. Hands curls his lips up in a sneer and says 'The prettiest one I've ever had. A redhead!'

Inside the secret room. Anne's face is revealed for the first time, as she sits down on her new cot still clutching the broken heart necklace.

Anne stares out the window, still clutching her broken heart, as the camera slowly tracks back to reveal seven other 18-year-old orphans sharing the same room. The space looks more like a sweatshop than an orphanage, with work stations set up at each cot.

Mr. Hands has been using the girls as labor for a black-market business he has selling used panties. When they aren't producing for him, they work on webcam and other forms of men's entertainment to earn their keep. Free room and board ... plus some extra perks if they get along well with the boss. On this evening, two of the orphans are busy working a cam show while three others rub, remove and package a giant stack of panties. They've been at it all day and look exhausted. Another girl dolls herself up in a cracked mirror, getting ready for a special guest that evening, while, Sally, a frail girl lies huddled in her cot trying to get some rest. Her leg braces rest beside her.

Patty, the resident bully, comes bursting into the room with her sidekick, Bonnie. The two orphans have been with Mr. Hands the longest and enjoy making the other girls squirm. Sally is their favorite target. Bonnie grabs her leg braces and makes fun of her while Patty stirs up the other orphans to get involved, teasing that it won't be long before Mr. Hands gets tired of the normal girls and wants a go at the cripple. This is because, each night, he comes into the room and cherry picks a few girls to fuck him in exchange for work relief.

Patty starts to imitate him, going from girl to girl, groping and kissing them, and offering them favors in exchange for sex as they all laugh and play along. Sally buries herself under the covers to hide from their teasing, as Anne takes notice and rushes over to break up the crowd. Protecting Sally, she demands that Bonnie let go of her braces. When Patty comes at her, the two girls almost get into a fight. The orphans restrain Anne until she finally backs down, telling the bullies to stop picking on girls weaker than them. Patty retaliates by telling all the other orphans that they shouldn't support Anne. After all, she is the reason why Mr. Hands has been doubling down on the rest of them. If she wasn't such a goody-two-shoes virgin and just let Hands fuck her occasionally, life would be simpler. After all, it's not that hard if you just play along. 'But Anne thinks she's better than the rest of us, girls!' Patty yells. 'All because of that stupid necklace and the delusional belief that her parents actually love her!' Furious, Anne rushes her again and the orphans start to fight when Mr. Hands comes barging into the room.

The orphans panic and jump into their cots. Mr. Hands staggers through the room, demanding to know who was causing the ruckus. He pokes around each cot, unimpressed with the state of the girls' workload, before zeroing in on Anne, who is hiding in a corner of the room. Getting right up in her face, he accuses the orphan of distracting the other girls and keeping them from finishing their work. Before she can protest, he punishes her with double duty the following day. Several other orphans laugh gleefully as he doles out the punishment, but Mr. Hands quietens the crowd. 'Of course, there is one easy way to get out of this, Anne,' he says with a sneer. Anne tells him she isn't interested and tries to get around him. The lusty proprietor follows her, sneaking a look up her skirt and telling her it would only last a few minutes. All the other girls do it and some have even grown to like it.

He pulls Patty to her feet and starts to use her as an example. She is clean, well-fed, and has everything an 18-year-old girl would want. He pulls Bonnie up as well and bends her over. Looking at her friend with a smirk, Bonnie hikes up her skirt and pulls down her panties. 'Would you like my pussy or my ass tonight, Mr. Hands?' She asks submissively. He slaps the girl on the ass and tells her to make out with her friend to get him hard first. She does obediently. Anne turns away in disgust.

Mr. Hands fucks Bonnie and Patty in front of Anne to try and coax her into agreeing to be with him too. She continues to refuse his advances, even as the two girls join him in his taunts. They follow Anne all over the room, fucking and teasing her while she tries to avoid them.

Several other orphans chime in to pressure her while the rest watch nervously in silence. In the end, Mr. Hands cums in the mouths of his two most loyal orphans, who lick him up eagerly and tell Anne she is just being a prude. Her parents are never going to come for her. And she has nowhere else to go. Anne clutches her broken heart and asks Mr. Hands to leave her alone. Angry, the sweaty man rips the necklace from her neck and storms out of the room, leaving the girl to collapse in a crying heap as all the other orphans tuck into their cots and go to rest.


Anne is shell-shocked and depressed, having no hope left after her necklace was taken. She kneels on all fours, scrubbing the orphanage's courtyard, while the other girls goof off around her. Mr. Hands has made it his mission to break the girl's spirit by having her do all the chores by herself. Only the crippled Sally tries to help her.

A luxury car pulls into the complex. A beautiful and well-dressed woman named Ms. Farling gets out and walks to the front door of the orphanage. She is the personal assistant of a very successful businessman named Anthony Westfield, who has been asked to invite a local orphan to his estate for an upcoming charity event. When Mr. Hands opens the door, he is immediately suspicious. His informants are supposed to keep people like this off his property, especially nosey women. When she hands him a letter from the state requesting his cooperation, Mr. Hands has no choice but to invite her inside. As they tour the kitchen and common areas, Ms. Farling tells the crooked proprietor that her boss never had a daughter of his own, so she is hoping to take in a teenage girl for the week as a surprise for him. Mr. Hands freezes. He tells her coldly that they don't have any good girls right now ... only delinquents and troublemakers. But he has plenty of children in the other building if she wants to take a tour. Disappointed, Ms. Farling agrees but just as they are about to exit she overhears the orphans in the courtyard. She can see them through a window and insists that she go down and look, despite Mr. Hands' protests.

Ms. Farling enters the courtyard and all the orphans stop, stunned to see such a beautiful and sophisticated woman in their midst. They know they are not supposed to interact with the public and a few of them even try to hide. Anne is the only one who doesn't react, her face still focused on the floor. Ms. Farling notices her immediately and walks over, kneeling to address the sad looking girl. She feels so sorry for her. She asks her name and how old she is and, when Anne doesn't respond, Sally limps over to join them. 'This is Anne, ma'am,' she says politely. 'She is 18-years-old and has been here since she was a baby. One day, her parents are going to come back and get her!' A single tear streams down Anne's face as she makes eye contact with Ms. Farling for the first time. 'Is that true, young lady?' She asks, clearly moved. Anne nods slowly. 'Would you like to come with me and let me help you find your parents?' She asks. Anne smiles for the first time in weeks and Mr. Hands, who has been watching anxiously in the background, steps in between them. He tells Ms. Farling to ignore Anne, she is the worst of the lot. A thief. Not the type of orphan her boss would ever want in his home. Ms. Farling, her eyes never leaving Anne's, replies that she has made up her mind. Anne is the perfect candidate, even more so if she has a troubled past. After all, the press loves a good story and the girl will be a great fit for her boss' image. Mr. Hands tries to dissuade her, but the assistant reminds him of her court order. The state clearly says that she can select any orphan she wishes from under his care.

Left without a choice, Mr. Hands puts on a fake smile and assures the assistant that he will personally bring Anne to their estate in the morning. He is always supportive of charity. She smiles and, hugging Anne, tells her she will see her tomorrow. It's only a day away. She lets herself out, leaving Mr. Hands alone with the orphans. His fake smile turns into a snarl the moment she is gone. He plucks Anne up and drags her out of the courtyard, while the other orphans rush back up to their room.

Mr. Hands leads Anne into his office and throws her down on the couch. He tells her that he has no intention of letting her leave after she has disobeyed him so many times. She begs him to let her go, pleading that this opportunity may be her only chance to find her real parents again. Mr. Hands laughs and pulls the broken heart necklace out from his pocket. He dangles it in front of Anne's face while using the situation to manipulate her. Why should he cooperate when she has been so uncooperative in the past? She knows what she needs to do to get favors from him. Desperate, Anne finally offers to have sex with Mr. Hands if he will agree to take her in the morning as he had promised. He smiles and makes her repeat her offer several times, to his amusement and sick satisfaction. Then he takes his pants down and takes Anne's virginity in his office.

Once he has cum, Mr. Hands staggers over to his desk. He pulls out a vial and a rolled-up bill, leaning over the desk to sniff something up, as Anne struggles to put her skirt back on. She asks what time she should be ready in the morning and, looking coldly at her whilst sniffing, Mr. Hands replies that he has changed his mind. He's going to bring someone else instead. Maybe Patty. Anne wasn't quite as good as he would have expected. A bit of a letdown, really, considering all those months of buildup. Betrayed and furious, Anne charges at Mr. Hands, screaming that she is leaving and that she wants her necklace back that he stole from her. The crooked proprietor grabs her by the throat. 'You're not going anywhere,' he growls before locking the orphan in his closet. He sits down at his desk, does another line, and puts his feet up as Anne pounds her fists behind the door.

Ashley Adams - Anne - Act One: The Orphanage | Picture (18)

Video from Ashley Adams,Whitney Wright,Eliza Jane in Pure Taboo (Anne - Act One: The Orphanage)

Pictures from Ashley Adams,Whitney Wright,Eliza Jane in Pure Taboo (Anne - Act One: The Orphanage)
Ashley Adams - Anne - Act One: The Orphanage | Picture (1)
Ashley Adams - Anne - Act One: The Orphanage | Picture (2)
Ashley Adams - Anne - Act One: The Orphanage | Picture (4)
Ashley Adams - Anne - Act One: The Orphanage | Picture (6)
Ashley Adams - Anne - Act One: The Orphanage | Picture (8)
Ashley Adams - Anne - Act One: The Orphanage | Picture (10)
Ashley Adams - Anne - Act One: The Orphanage | Picture (12)
Ashley Adams - Anne - Act One: The Orphanage | Picture (14)
Ashley Adams - Anne - Act One: The Orphanage | Picture (16)
Ashley Adams - Anne - Act One: The Orphanage | Picture (18)
Ashley Adams - Anne - Act One: The Orphanage | Picture (20)
Ashley Adams - Anne - Act One: The Orphanage | Picture (22)
Ashley Adams - Anne - Act One: The Orphanage | Picture (24)
Ashley Adams - Anne - Act One: The Orphanage | Picture (26)
Ashley Adams - Anne - Act One: The Orphanage | Picture (27)

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