Bex Shiner - The Bex Stops Here (Score)

If you live in the UK, you know this busty brunette fox from Big Brother. Americans and other nationalities, meet Bex Shiner direct from England. Bex (short for Rebecca) has been in every British tabloid newspaper and magazine since her first appearance in the Big Brother house. Unlike the US version, Brits can be topless on Big Brother in the UK. Brit TV is much more advanced and civilized than American TV. The first day of her arrival, SCORE's editors introduced themselves and paid their respects to Bex in the models' dressing room. Like most busty Brit models, Bex is lively, fun-loving, funny and energetic. And did we say she has big, natural 36G tits? Bex said that after she first made her 2008 splash in Big Brother house (and got evicted 51 days later), she couldn't leave her house without facing crowds of people waiting for her to come out. The price of TV celebri-titty is the loss of privacy but that's part of the fame game. Some sound bites from Bex: 'I was flat-chested until I turned 18-years-old and then I became the biggest-chested of my friends.' 'I'm not into sports.

Bex Shiner - The Bex Stops Here | Picture (15)

Video from Bex Shiner in Score (The Bex Stops Here)

Pictures from Bex Shiner in Score (The Bex Stops Here)
Bex Shiner - The Bex Stops Here | Picture (1)
Bex Shiner - The Bex Stops Here | Picture (2)
Bex Shiner - The Bex Stops Here | Picture (3)
Bex Shiner - The Bex Stops Here | Picture (4)
Bex Shiner - The Bex Stops Here | Picture (5)
Bex Shiner - The Bex Stops Here | Picture (6)
Bex Shiner - The Bex Stops Here | Picture (7)
Bex Shiner - The Bex Stops Here | Picture (8)
Bex Shiner - The Bex Stops Here | Picture (9)
Bex Shiner - The Bex Stops Here | Picture (10)
Bex Shiner - The Bex Stops Here | Picture (11)
Bex Shiner - The Bex Stops Here | Picture (12)
Bex Shiner - The Bex Stops Here | Picture (13)
Bex Shiner - The Bex Stops Here | Picture (14)
Bex Shiner - The Bex Stops Here | Picture (15)
Bex Shiner - The Bex Stops Here | Picture (16)

More scenes from Bex Shiner
Bex Shiner in Oiled Big Boobs
Bex Shiner - Oiled Big Boobs
Bex Shiner in Pink Bikini Time In Miami
Bex Shiner - Pink Bikini Time In Miami
Bex Shiner in Kneel Before Bex
Bex Shiner - Kneel Before Bex
Bex Shiner in Kneel Before Bex
Bex Shiner - Kneel Before Bex