Casey Calvert, Mona Wales - Mommy Monster (Pure Taboo)


SCENE opens on an elegant couple as they are driven home one afternoon from a speaking engagement. Senator Gregory, the husband, is on the phone with one of his constituents discussing the event, a 'family comes first' charity put on by one of their biggest donors. As he speaks, Mrs. Gregory stares out the window. She hates having to accompany her husband to such conservative affairs. It is so irritating. But, they live a privileged life and, with her husband away so much, Mrs. Gregory has a lot of freedom to explore her own interests.

The Senator ends his call and asks the driver how long it will take to get to the airport. 'I'm expecting my son to be home when we return,' he says proudly. Mrs. Gregory smirks. 'Oh, I didn't realize William was coming down. It's a shame you'll only see him for the weekend before you fly out again.' Squeezing his wife's knee, the Senator says not to worry. The boy's going to stay all week, so she'll have plenty of time to catch up with her step-son too. Her smile slowly fading, Mrs. Gregory looks back out the window.


The camera pans across a well-appointed bathroom. Mrs. Gregory sits on the edge of the tub, secretly looking at candid photos of girls on her phone. Her hand slips between her dressing gown as she gets excited, but she is rudely interrupted by her husband calling her from down the stairs. He wants her to come and say goodbye. The woman closes the phone in a huff and exits.

The Senator is waiting by the door. He tries to kiss his wife, but she makes an excuse and hugs him instead. Meanwhile, William strolls into the room, still in pajamas and eating cereal. He says bye to his dad and plops on the couch, ignoring his step-mother. Mrs. Gregory, aware of the slight, urges her husband to leave before he misses his flight. She kisses his cheek and pushes him out of the door, closing it in a silent victory. She hates having to touch him.

The woman walks into the living room and stares at her step-son in silence. He continues to ignore her. You can feel the tension growing between them. Finally, Mrs. Gregory takes the bowl from his hands. 'You haven't been answering my emails,' she says coldly. He looks up at her in disgust. 'And you stopped funding my account,' he replies, taking the bowl back and continuing to eat. Exasperated, the woman sits down and tries to reason with her step-son. 'I thought our agreement was clear,' she continues. 'I pay you for every qualified lead you deliver to me!' William shakes his head. 'You're a psycho,' he says standing up. 'Just come out of the closet already, mom! I don't want to be your fucking wingman anymore!' In a tracking shot, he walks to the kitchen while his mother follows desperately. She pleads with him to not be difficult. He knows what kind of situation she is in with his father and the public. If anyone found out about her hobbies, it would be the end of his political career. And their wealth. And their status. And his trust fund, which she has been generously topping up for years! William turns to cut her off. 'Your hobbies?' He argues. 'You mean, bribing me to bring girls over so you can take advantage of them?' Mrs. Gregory purses her lips, trying to remain calm. 'I mean, helping your mother out.' She whimpers. William sees his mother start to crack and backs down. After all, he does love her. Even though their relationship is highly dysfunctional, the pair still have an emotional bond. Mrs. Gregory is the only mother figure that William has ever known, since his birth mother died when he was young. He has helped her keep her lesbianism a secret over the years and, in turn, she has made sure he can lead a life of privilege. An 'I scratch your back, you scratch mine' type of relationship. But, constantly tricking girls has weighed down on his conscious. 'I was hoping that this visit would be different,' he says. 'I'd like to try and act normal, you know?' Mrs. Gregory closes her eyes. She assures her son that she has just one profile that she wants him to contact. That's it. Just one date. Just one bait and switch. Then, the rest of the week he can do whatever he wants. And she'll start the allowance again. He tries to hold back his resentment but ultimately agrees to the deal.

TEXT PLATE: Several days later

William opens the front door and leads a pretty college girl named Anna into the house. The pair have just gone out and had a great time, after hooking up on a dating app. He invites her to sit down in the living room, flirtatiously kissing her, before leaving to fetch them a beverage. She smiles sweetly and makes herself comfortable. Meanwhile, Mrs. Gregory has been watching closely from the top of the stairs, dolled up in a super sexy dress, with her cleavage exposed. She struts down the stairs and introduces herself as Marilyn. 'Oh, I wasn't aware that Todd had a roommate,' Anna says awkwardly, obviously unaware of who William really was. Mrs. Gregory smiles and explains that this is her house. Todd is her assistant. Anna seems disappointed that she was brought home to someone else's house. She thought she was going to hook up! Mrs. Gregory asks the girl's name and age. 'It's Anna,' she replies. 'I'm twenty-one and in my second year of nursing school. I was just telling Todd all about the horrors of my placement exam!' Mrs. Gregory licks her lips in anticipation and sits down beside the girl, doing her best to charm her. Anna doesn't know how to react, so she tries to remain polite even as Mrs. Gregory begins to make obvious advances. She hints at the idea of her assistant regularly bringing over girls for them both to enjoy, but that he has never brought over someone as beautiful before. Anna swallows hard, replying that she wasn't aware Todd was into that. Mrs. Gregory smiles. 'Aren't you into that, too?' She asks seductively, running her finger up Anna's thigh. Before Anna can reply, the woman adds '... Because it would be a real shame if you weren't. It's almost impossible not to look at you!'

William comes back in the room. He didn't realize that his mother would be at it so soon. 'You're here,' he says coldly, putting the beverages down. 'I'm sorry Anna, I wasn't aware she would be home.' Anna tells him not to worry, his boss was very friendly. 'I had a really lovely time, Todd.' She says, standing up to leave. 'But I had probably better be going.' Mrs. Gregory cuts her off, apologizing. She offers to leave them alone, so they can continue their date. She was just about to go out anyway. Anna seems unsure but, not taking no for an answer, Mrs. Gregory instructs her assistant to sit her back down. As she grabs her purse and exits the front door in a hurry, the family members exchange secret, intense looks.

William apologizes, explaining that his 'boss' can be overbearing. She is a very good woman and his girlfriend's always end up loving her, she can sometimes just come on a little strong. His speech feels wooden and strained, as if he has given it many times before. Anna innocently makes a joke about his past girlfriends, asking how many he's had and whether she should be concerned before he cuts her off with a kiss. They start to make out on the couch. As their kissing leads to heavy petting, Anna suggests they go to her place instead, but William is insistent that they stay where they are. Lost in the moment, Anna agrees and unbuckles his pants to give him a blowjob.

While she sucks his dick, Mrs. Gregory slowly creeps back in through a side door and tip-toes towards them. Anna does not realize that the woman has come back in the room, but William does. They make eyes at each other, as Mrs. Gregory tries to silently give him instructions on what to do next. He holds Anna's head and face-fucks her to distract her while trying to tell his mother to remove her clothes. It will make the switch easier. Mrs. Gregory strips down and starts touching herself eagerly. Shielding her from view, William pulls Anna to her feet and asks her to ride his dick. She agrees and climbs on top of him. While they fuck face to face, William starts to talk about his boss again. Completely devoid of emotion, he asks Anna if she got turned on by the woman's advances. After all, his boss really has a way with women. Anna jokes and tells him sure, she's been with chicks before. His boss was a hot older lady, but what she wants tonight is some dick. William stares at his mother as he speaks his hollow words, the girl riding him closely and moaning. Impatiently, Mrs. Gregory tries to motion for him to wrap it up. She's horny. He needs to get out and stop spoiling her good time. But, something changes inside William. He can't put up with the manipulations any longer. This will be the last time his mother puts him in such a position. 'Did my boss tell you about how much she likes taking dick?' He asks the girl, an evil smirk crossing his face as his eyes never leaving his mother. 'But she only ever does it when there's another girl involved, since she's more of a dyke?' Mrs. Gregory is horrified. 'She did seem pretty gay,' Anna laughs as she bounces up and down. 'But that would be pretty hot. I'm into threesomes.' William laughs, picking her up and putting her in doggy, her face pressed against the couch. 'Good, because that's exactly what I had in mind tonight!'

Mrs. Gregory rushes beside him and tries to get him to stop. He gives her the finger and keeps pounding. 'I said stop!' She screams, slapping her son across the face and causing Anne to turn around and notice her. She is very surprised ... but laughs in the heat of the moment. 'Oh shit, I didn't realize you meant right now, Todd!' William goes back to fucking her and invites his mother to join in. 'Yes, of course that's what we meant,' he says smiling. 'If you're down for that, Anna? You did mention it on your profile!' The girl smiles and says sure, as Mrs. Gregory stares at her son in horror. 'I can't possibly have sex with you,' she whispers. 'You're my son.' William stares at her coldly. 'I'm not your real son,' he says. 'And I'm never doing this again ... so if you want that pussy, you better get down there and suck my dick.' He pulls out and offers his cock to both women. Anna, having no idea that anything other than a kinky hookup is happening, eagerly gets down and starts sucking again. Mrs. Gregory shakes her head. 'This is a complete and utter betrayal,' she threatens him in a low voice. Covering Anna's ears as he fucks her face again, William replies that his mother is wrong. A complete betrayal is what she has been doing to him for years. Furthermore, a complete betrayal would be him telling his father about everything. And, if she doesn't do what he says tonight, that's exactly what he's going to. Her life will be ruined. Anna begs the woman to join in and help her please Todd. It'll be fun. She has no idea what is being said up there in the quiet conversation. Mrs. Gregory, seething with anger, tells Anna to go back to sucking. She drops to her knees and grabs William's balls. 'There Todd,' she says defiantly. 'I know how much you like it rough!' This descends into the BGG sex scene, where William and his step-mother hate fuck each other while Mrs. Gregory tries to focus on Anna and William keeps pulling her back to please him instead. Poor Anna is caught in the middle and eventually gets cut out of the threesome all together, as William pulls out and jizzes all over his mother. She spits it out and tells him she hopes he's satisfied, while he rubs his dick all over her cum-stained face.

By this point, Anna has begun to realize that the hookup she's agreed to is far more complicated than she had thought. She quickly gathers her things and tells the pair that she's leaving. It's been fun but, quite frankly, feels a little weird now so she's just going to get out. Still seething at each other, they barely say goodbye as she awkwardly exits. 'You are such a fucking liar,' Mrs. Gregory screams at her son through tears. 'The only liar in this house is you!' He replies coldly and storms out of the room.

Casey Calvert - Mommy Monster | Picture (26)

Video from Casey Calvert,Mona Wales in Pure Taboo (Mommy Monster)

Pictures from Casey Calvert,Mona Wales in Pure Taboo (Mommy Monster)
Casey Calvert - Mommy Monster | Picture (1)
Casey Calvert - Mommy Monster | Picture (2)
Casey Calvert - Mommy Monster | Picture (4)
Casey Calvert - Mommy Monster | Picture (6)
Casey Calvert - Mommy Monster | Picture (8)
Casey Calvert - Mommy Monster | Picture (10)
Casey Calvert - Mommy Monster | Picture (12)
Casey Calvert - Mommy Monster | Picture (14)
Casey Calvert - Mommy Monster | Picture (16)
Casey Calvert - Mommy Monster | Picture (18)
Casey Calvert - Mommy Monster | Picture (20)
Casey Calvert - Mommy Monster | Picture (22)
Casey Calvert - Mommy Monster | Picture (24)
Casey Calvert - Mommy Monster | Picture (26)
Casey Calvert - Mommy Monster | Picture (27)

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