Sarah Vandella, Kristen Scott, Elena Koshka, Casey Calvert, Eliza Jane - Anne - Act Three: The Scam (Pure Taboo)


SCENE opens in Anne's bedroom. She is slowly being woken up from her slumber by daddy, grinning ear-to-ear with lust and devotion. Overnight, he has become a new man, obsessed with his princess. While the rest of his staff watch eagerly from the doorway, he hands the girl a surprise -- a beautiful, brand new necklace from the fanciest jewelry store in town. He tells Anne that he had Ms. Farling go and order it especially for her, as no daughter of his should wear a rusty piece of tin around her neck. Anne smiles at daddy as he takes the necklace out of the box and shows it off, but her expression soon fades. She tells him that she is beside herself with happiness. He is the best daddy she could ever ask for and the charity event at the end of the week is going to be perfect -- but she cannot accept the gift. She explains that her broken heart is the only thing she's ever had that belonged to her real parents. She still believes that they are out there somewhere and, until she finds them, she will never take it off. That is why she is here. She needs his help. daddy studies her for a moment before breaking away. He summons Ms. Farling over and, in a low voice, asks if his assistant had completed the background check on the girl. She nods quietly, whispering that they could not find any traces of the parents. daddy hushes her and goes back to Anne. Horny and desperate to keep her happy, he pledges to post a reward for any information related to finding her folks. Anne bursts into tears, hugging him. 'You really mean that?' She says. He nods, adding that with his connections they should be able to find her parents within days. Anne hugs him as he clutches onto her body lustfully and sends Ms. Farling to alert his publicist.

Several days later. Mr. Hands is sitting in his office, angry, when PATTY brings him a newspaper. Anne is on the front page with a headline that reads: $1M Reward for Real Parents. The villain can hardly believe his eyes. He kicks PATTY out of the room, does another line, and places a call. 'Sis,' he says in a one-sided conversation. 'Get over here now. Bring the husband. I've got a job for you two!' Slamming the phone down, he wipes his teeth with his finger and walks over to his safe. Fumbling to unlock it, he finally does and pulls out a manila envelope with Anne's name on it.

A door knocks. Mr. Hands opens it quickly to reveal his sister and brother-in-law standing there. They are a very trashy looking couple, especially the husband, Mr. Budge. While Mr. Hands tries to hurry them through the courtyard towards his office, Mr. Budge insists they make a pit stop to visit his secret wing. It's been awhile since he got a good look at his girls. Mrs. Budge agrees with her husband, urging her brother to let them go and just have a quick peek. Irritated, the crooked proprietor says fine and tells them to hurry. He hasn't got all day.

Mr. Hands leads the couple through the secret room, as they drool over each girl. The orphans shrink back at the site of the truly disgusting and distasteful couple. They are even worse than Mr. Hands!

Inside his office, Mr. Hands orders the couple to sit down. He has a business proposal for them. One of his girls has been taken in by a very wealthy businessman and they are now offering one million dollars to find her real parents. 'I ain't killing anyone,' Mrs. Budge says curtly. 'Not after last time!' Mr. Budge tells his wife to shut up and stop interrupting her brother. He asks Mr. Hands what he is getting at. 'That reward money belongs to me,' Mr. Hands replies. 'If they are going to steal one of my girls, I'm at least going to be the one who benefits from it. And I'm willing to cut you both in 50/50.' Mrs. Budge is still hesitant. She accuses her brother of being a pathological liar and asks why they should believe him. Mr. Hands tells his sister that he knows they are looking to get into his business. He sees the way they look at his girls. Doing this job for him would be a perfect trial run for a longer-term partnership. Mr. Budge is very eager to hear more and, shutting his wife up again, asks his brother-in-law what they would need to do. Mr. Hands explains that all they must do is convince Anne that they are her real parents. And he has all the inside information they would need to perfect their con. He hands them the manila envelope containing photos and documents about the parents who abandoned the girl so many years before. They are dead. All the records are there. But, more importantly, he has this. Mr. Hands pulls out the other half of Anne's broken heart necklace. 'You flash this little memento in front of her eyes,' he says, with a sneer. 'And the money is as good as ours!' Mr. Budge eagerly takes the necklace from his brother-in-law's hands. The men start to laugh. 'Not so fast,' Mrs. Budge says. 'I haven't agreed to anything yet.' Her husband starts to plead with her, as she stares coldly into her brother's eyes. 'We're only going to do it,' she continues. 'If you add a little cherry on top.' She smacks her lips and motions back to the secret room. Mr. Hands sighs and asks which one she wants. Smiling, Mrs. Budge replies that she liked the little vulnerable one in the corner. The girl with the braces. If Mr. Hands will agree to let them have a go with her, then they will be happy to play pretend parents afterwards. Mr. Hands seems irritated by his sister's demands but agrees and leaves the room to go fetch Sally. The creepy couple smile at each other, as Mr. Budge puts the necklace around Mrs. Budge 'S neck.

When Mr. Hands returns with the crippled girl, she is clearly nervous. 'That's right, Sally,' he says, taking her leg braces from her and leaning her up against the table. 'Just do everything this nice couple wants and then one week off, as promised.' Sally nods meekly, before asking Mr. Hands if that can include some television. She misses it so much. The crooked proprietor laughs and turns to the couple. 'Be careful with her bones,' he says distastefully. 'She's got muscular something or other. But, she bends easily if she has something to prop herself up with.' Mr. Hands winks at the girl and, taking her leg braces with him, says that he'll keep these outside for safety. He leaves as the couple close in on the girl.

'How old are you?' Mr. Budge asks, his hands wringing. Sally tells the couple that she just turned 18 a few months earlier. They cannot contain their excitement. 'Young and eager,' Mrs. Budge adds. 'Just the way we like them!' She kisses Sally on the mouth. A long, awkward kiss. 'You sure you want to do this, sweetheart?' Mr. Budge asks the girl. 'You seem a little reluctant. We don't want to have to call old Handsy back in here, do we?' Sally shakes her head and tells them in a monotone voice that she wants to please them both. They can do whatever they want to her. The couple kiss triumphantly, before Mrs. Budge undoes her husband's pants and guides Sally down to his penis. From the corner of her eye, Sally spots the broken heart necklace dangling from Mrs. Budge 's neck. Her mind flashes back to the moment when she handed Anne the other half of the same necklace. 'Where did you get that?' she asks, her mouth full of cock. Mrs. Budge laughs and says it's a family heirloom. Then she joins the girl in sucking her husband's dick.

As she is bent over the desk and penetrated, Sally sees the newspaper with Anne's photo. She begins to piece together what is happening, especially as MR. and Mrs. Budge begin to make jokes and off-the-cuff remarks about the con and their future fortune. Knowing that she may be able to help her friend, Sally plays up the submissive act to try and get more information. In the end, Mr. Budge cums all over Sally's face but not before she has a pretty good idea of what the couple plan to do. Mrs. Budge calls Mr. Hands back in the room, yelling that they are done. The crippled girl takes her leg braces back, without making eye contact, and quietly exits the room.

Inside the mansion. It's the end of the week and everyone is busy preparing for the charity event, blowing balloons and hanging up streamers. daddy and Anne sit in an adjacent room practicing their speech with Ms. Farling when the doorbell rings. The BUTLER answers and is surprised to see a clean-cut couple standing on the doorstep. It is Mr. and Mrs. Budge but they introduce themselves as the Knox family. They claim to be Anne's biological parents! When they saw the newspaper headline about their dear sweet Anne, it felt like the miracle they'd been waiting eighteen years for! They invite themselves into the mansion, as Anne overhears them and drops everything to rush over. She looks them both up and down. 'Mom? Dad?' She says, collapsing into Mr. Budge's arms. daddy looks devastated as he asks the man if he is certain that this is his daughter. Before he can respond, Mrs. Budge pulls out the broken heart necklace hiding underneath her blouse and says she has never been so sure about anything in her whole life! Anne sees the necklace and breaks down. She thanks daddy profusely for helping to reunite her with her parents. Ms. Farling, suspicious, whispers to her boss that they should confirm this lead before concluding anything. They can ask them to leave until they've done the proper due diligence. But daddy, staring stoically at the daughter he nearly had, cannot bring himself to break her heart again. After all, he has truly fallen in love with the beautiful young orphan. So, he suggests that he and his staff give the family some privacy to gather up her things. He shows them to the stairs and, as they head up, Anne hugs him one more time. 'Thank you, daddy,' she whispers in his ear. He watches her go upstairs with the parents before turning back and storming through the house, tearing down some streamers.

Inside Anne's bedroom. Anne starts packing her bags while trying to connect with her long-lost parents, but something makes her feel uneasy. Their affection seems insincere and almost sexual. They don't want to catch up at all, they just want to talk about how pretty Anne is and how much fun they are going to have with her. They also seem to be arguing over something, although Anne can't quite figure out what. Her supposed father wants to wait until they leave to 'give it to her' but his wife is urging them to do it quickly now. It isn't going to take long. 'What isn't going to take long?' Anne asks innocently. Agreeing with his wife, Mr. Budge tries to grope Anne. She backs away awkwardly. MRS. BUDGE asks if she will come and sit down on the bed beside her. When she agrees, Mr. Budge slides in too and starts to kiss her. Anne asks why her parents are acting this way and they explain that this is just how their family shows affection. She tells them about everything that happened to her in the orphanage and how long she held out for them to return. 'Then how come you're being so distant with us now?' Mr. Budge jokes. 'Don't you want to kiss your mama while we wait?' Anne looks over at her supposed mother and slowly nods. The women kiss awkwardly. 'Now, come over here and suck daddy's dick,' Mr. Budge says. 'Quickly. Just like a good girl would!' Anne thinks about daddy and everything the man had done for her. All she did was be a good girl. Maybe that's all she needs to do now. The confused orphan slowly agrees and gets on her knees, as Mrs. Budge pushes her head towards her husband's dick.

Downstairs. daddy stares into space, utterly depressed, as Ms. Farling paces in the living room making calls. The other staff linger, taking down the decorations when suddenly, one of the gardeners bursts into the house carrying Sally in his arms. He yells for his boss and they help deposit the exhausted girl onto a couch. Breathless, she tells daddy who she is and where she comes from. She's been out all night trying to find them. Anne is about to be kidnapped by two criminals. They were hired by Mr. Hands. She overheard the whole plan. As soon as daddy hears this, he flies into a rage and storms up the stairs, his staff chasing him.

Mr. Budge is pulling up his zipper, having just cum on Anne's face, when daddy bursts through the door. He takes one look at his princess before knocking Mr. Budge to the ground, as Ms. Farling grabs Mrs. Budge and wrestles her into submission. Shocked, Anne tries to defend her parents. What the hell are they doing to them! MRS. FARLING restrains her while daddy, the GUARD and the BUTLER drag the two criminals out of the room. She sobs into the assistant's chest, screaming at daddy to stop hurting her parents. She is inconsolable! A few moments later, daddy slowly re-enters the room with Sally. As soon as Anne sees the other orphan, she stops. 'What is happening?' She asks them all. Sally wipes the semen off her friend's face, as the two girls hold each other. 'I need to tell you something,' she says. Those people were not your birth parents. They were imposters, sent in by Mr. Hands. Your birth parents are dead. She hands Anne the manila envelope.

The room becomes eerily still, as the weight of the truth hits Anne. She pours through the photos and documents, as everything she has ever hoped for disappears. In a daze, she gets up and slowly staggers out of the room.

Anne descends the stairs, with daddy following. Tears are streaming down her face. The man tries to comfort her, apologizing for her loss. He will do anything she wants. He loves her. As he consoles her, Sally and the rest of his staff follow them in the background. Anne buries herself in his chest. 'Please fuck me,' she says frantically. daddy steps back, confused, and assures her that she doesn't have to do that. Not now. 'I don't care,' she cries, looking up at him. 'I need to feel something ... anything other than this!' She starts pulling at his belt like a maniac, as he looks around nervously for his staff and tries to talk her out of it. But, something else has snapped in Anne. She demands that daddy make her cum. If he loves her, he will make her cum. She needs to feel something, she begs repeatedly. Finally, the man agrees, and they start to have sex in the living area.

His staff, who are gathering around them, look at each other awkwardly. 'You are all dismissed!' daddy says, trying to be authoritative mid-pump. But, the staff stay frozen, looking on stunned as the pair switch positions. Sally tries to intervene, asking if Anne is ok. She's probably in shock. Ms. Farling chimes in that she could call a doctor. 'Please Sally,' Anne begs frantically. 'This is what I need to do!' The staff urges each other to leave but Anne insists they stay, she wants them to watch, she wants them to join. She insists this is what they all need. The staff slowly start to undress and join the fray, gathering in an intense orgy born out of Anne's insatiable hunger.

When all the group is spent, daddy cradles Anne in his arms and tells her he loves her. 'Ms. Farling,' the man orders. 'Call the police! I want that orphanage shut down immediately!' The assistant nods and, gathering up the other staff, exit the room. Wiping her eyes, Anne asks how Sally got away from Mr. Hands. With a smirk, she tells Anne not to worry about it. They hug again.

Sarah Vandella - Anne - Act Three: The Scam | Picture (8)

Video from Sarah Vandella,Kristen Scott,Elena Koshka,Casey Calvert,Eliza Jane in Pure Taboo (Anne - Act Three: The Scam)

Pictures from Sarah Vandella,Kristen Scott,Elena Koshka,Casey Calvert,Eliza Jane in Pure Taboo (Anne - Act Three: The Scam)
Sarah Vandella - Anne - Act Three: The Scam | Picture (1)
Sarah Vandella - Anne - Act Three: The Scam | Picture (2)
Sarah Vandella - Anne - Act Three: The Scam | Picture (4)
Sarah Vandella - Anne - Act Three: The Scam | Picture (6)
Sarah Vandella - Anne - Act Three: The Scam | Picture (8)
Sarah Vandella - Anne - Act Three: The Scam | Picture (10)
Sarah Vandella - Anne - Act Three: The Scam | Picture (12)
Sarah Vandella - Anne - Act Three: The Scam | Picture (14)
Sarah Vandella - Anne - Act Three: The Scam | Picture (16)
Sarah Vandella - Anne - Act Three: The Scam | Picture (18)
Sarah Vandella - Anne - Act Three: The Scam | Picture (20)
Sarah Vandella - Anne - Act Three: The Scam | Picture (22)
Sarah Vandella - Anne - Act Three: The Scam | Picture (24)
Sarah Vandella - Anne - Act Three: The Scam | Picture (26)
Sarah Vandella - Anne - Act Three: The Scam | Picture (27)

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Jillian Janson in Two Best Friends Share a Big Black C ...
Jillian Janson - Two Best Friends Share a Big Black Co ...
Sarah Vandella in Check Out My Brand New Tits
Sarah Vandella - Big Tits at Work
Casey Calvert in Pure Anal Bliss
Casey Calvert - Everything Butt
Casey Calvert in Double Your Pleasure
Casey Calvert - Dungeon Sex
Roxy Raye in EPIC ANAL!!! A Journey into the Extreme
Roxy Raye - Everything Butt
Casey Calvert - Fucking Machines
Casey Calvert in Foot Sex Research 2: Trampling
Casey Calvert - Foot Worship
Casey Calvert in Casey Calvert Anal Hooked and Gagged
Casey Calvert - Hog Tied
Sarah Vandella in Spin Class With Extra Ass
Sarah Vandella - Big Wet Butts
Casey Calvert in Foot Sex Research
Casey Calvert - Foot Worship
Rilynn Rae in The Slave Petition of Rilynn Rae
Rilynn Rae - Upper Floor
Aiden Starr in College Girl Gets DPed and Punished Wit ...
Aiden Starr - Electro Sluts
Casey Calvert in Fragile Captive A Device Bondage Feat ...
Casey Calvert - Device Bondage
Casey Calvert in Everyone's favorite girl next door- a ...
Casey Calvert - Public Disgrace
Sarah Vandella in Sarah Vandella - Blacks On Blondes - ...
Sarah Vandella - Blacks On Blondes
Casey Calvert in Bound for the Apocalypse
Casey Calvert - Sex and Submission
Casey Calvert in Stripper Punishment
Casey Calvert - Everything Butt
Casey Calvert in Training the Ass Licking Fluffer
Casey Calvert - Upper Floor
Casey Calvert in Casey Calvert Suffers Through Relentl ...
Casey Calvert - Sadistic Rope
Casey Calvert in Casey Calvert is back with her fierce ...
Casey Calvert - Fucking Machines
Casey Calvert in Young And Glamorous 6
Casey Calvert - Young And Glamorous 6
Casey Calvert in Sisterly Love: Casey Calvert Makes a  ...
Casey Calvert - Hardcore Gangbang
Penny Pax in Anal Girls Slumber Holiday
Penny Pax - Everything Butt
Casey Calvert in Operation Desert Anal: A Feature Pres ...
Casey Calvert - Sex and Submission
Bella Rossi in Masquerade Orgy with Nine Slaves,100 Ho ...
Bella Rossi - Upper Floor
Bella Rossi in Masquerade Orgy with Nine Slaves,100 Ho ...
Bella Rossi - Upper Floor
Casey Calvert in Porn Starlet Endures Crazy Orgasms in ...
Casey Calvert - Hog Tied
Casey Calvert in Double Teamed-Extreme Bondage,Brutal  ...
Casey Calvert - Device Bondage
Casey Calvert in Anal Exchange: Casey Calvert and Arie ...
Casey Calvert - Everything Butt
Bella Rossi in Masquerade Orgy with Nine Slaves,100 Ho ...
Bella Rossi - Upper Floor
Lorelei Lee in The Lonely Housewife: An Electrosluts.c ...
Lorelei Lee - Electro Sluts
Casey Calvert in Anal Campus Sluts
Casey Calvert - Everything Butt
Casey Calvert in Casey Calvert - Black Meat White Feet
Casey Calvert - Black Meat White Feet
Alani Pi in Showing Off the Newest Anal Sex House Slav ...
Alani Pi - Upper Floor
Casey Calvert in Sneaking into the Squirters Yard
Casey Calvert - Shes Gonna Squirt
Bella Rossi in Gorgeous Anal Sex Slave Petitions to Se ...
Bella Rossi - Upper Floor
Lorelei Lee in Foot Fetish, Lesbian Footing, Jello and ...
Lorelei Lee - Foot Worship
Casey Calvert in Casey Calvert Electrocuted and Ass-Fi ...
Casey Calvert - Electro Sluts
Casey Calvert in MILF Cougar stalks a Hottie Yoga Girl ...
Casey Calvert - Fucking Machines
Casey Calvert in Bobbi Starr Electro Ass Fucks Young C ...
Casey Calvert - Electro Sluts
Casey Calvert in Training of the Pretty Girl, Final Da ...
Casey Calvert - Training Of O
Casey Calvert in Bobbi Starr Tests Casey Calvert
Casey Calvert - Electro Sluts
Casey Calvert in Training of the Pretty Girl, Day Thre ...
Casey Calvert - Training Of O
Mia Gold in It's OVER The 20-somethings win. Outfuckin ...
Mia Gold - Fucking Machines
Casey Calvert in The Training of the Pretty Girl, Day  ...
Casey Calvert - Training Of O
Sarah Vandella in Foot Fetish In The Champagne Room
Sarah Vandella - Foot Worship
Casey Calvert in Asking for Punishment!
Casey Calvert - Sex and Submission
Casey Calvert in The Training of the Pretty Girl, Day  ...
Casey Calvert - Training Of O
Sarah Vandella in Steak and BJ Day
Sarah Vandella - Real Wife Stories
Casey Calvert in FIFTY SEVEN ORGASMS - And Yes, she is ...
Casey Calvert - Fucking Machines
Casey Calvert in Casey Calvert Lives out her Gangbang  ...
Casey Calvert - Hardcore Gangbang
Casey Calvert in Sgt Major vs Casey Calvert
Casey Calvert - Hog Tied
Sarah Vandella in Secretary Switch
Sarah Vandella - Big Tits at Work
Casey Calvert in Casey Calvert - Cuckold Sessions
Casey Calvert - Cuckold Sessions
Casey Calvert in Casey Calvert - Blacks On Blondes
Casey Calvert - Blacks On Blondes
Chanel Preston in Her First Week In Porn
Chanel Preston - Whipped Ass
Casey Calvert in Casey Calvert - Glory Hole
Casey Calvert - Glory Hole
Sarah Vandella in Sarahs Beautiful Butt
Sarah Vandella - Big Wet Butts
Sarah Vandella in Sarah Vandella - Interracial Blowban ...
Sarah Vandella - Interracial Blowbang
Sarah Vandella in Nympho-Chondriac
Sarah Vandella - Doctor Adventures
Casey Calvert in N00b getz PWND - first timer suffers  ...
Casey Calvert - Device Bondage
Sarah Vandella in Sarah Vandella - Cuckold Sessions
Sarah Vandella - Cuckold Sessions
Sarah Vandella in Sarah Vandella Anal Fanatic
Sarah Vandella - Sarah Vandella Anal Fanatic
Lisa Ann in Her Big Day To Be Gay
Lisa Ann - Hot And Mean
Alexis Texas in Anyone You Can Do, I Can Do Better
Alexis Texas - Pornstars Like it Big
Sarah Vandella in Switchblade Slut
Sarah Vandella - Baby Got Boobs
Sarah Vandella in Pre-Game Titual
Sarah Vandella - Big Tits In Sports
Sarah Vandella in Easter Egg Cunt
Sarah Vandella - Big Tits at School
Sarah Vandella in The Good Old Methods
Sarah Vandella - Sex and Submission
Sarah Vandella in Only one way to save the store
Sarah Vandella - Baby Got Boobs
Mason Moore in This Is Not A Drill Its a DRILLDO
Mason Moore - Hot And Mean
Sarah Vandella in Night Of Surpirses
Sarah Vandella - Real Wife Stories
Sarah Vandella in Sarah Vandella - Interracial Pickups
Sarah Vandella - Interracial Pickups
Sarah Vandella in SPRING BREAK me open
Sarah Vandella - Baby Got Boobs
Sarah Vandella in The Last Beer
Sarah Vandella - The Last Beer
Sarah Vandella in Sarah Vandella - Glory Hole
Sarah Vandella - Glory Hole
Sarah Vandella in Bad influence
Sarah Vandella - Baby Got Boobs
Trina Michaels in Performing like a Pro
Trina Michaels - SexPro Adventures
Sarah Vandella in Officer On Duty...
Sarah Vandella - Big Tits at Work